Matthew & Janine | Gisborough Hall wedding Photographer
Gisborough Hall Hotel, set in the stunning Cleveland hills offers a great wedding venue throughout the seasons. I’ve worked here for a very long time now. Beit one of my local venues, Matthew and Janine had their wedding booked well before the pandemic. Janine created their wedding and was very proactive when trying to organise things. Just what I like from a bride, lots of questions and lots of conversations. It make the day run smoother and I actually know what’s going on with the wedding, I really did feel part of the day.
Gisborough Hall hotel wedding Photographers
From the onset of the day, I was able to too and throw between both Janine and Matthew. Both getting ready at Gisborough Hall, just different end of the hotel. It just meant my step count was greater than usual that day. Capturing the preparations of both bride and groom meant Matthew was also part of the day, so often the focus is on the bride and not the groom. Yet with out the groom there is no wedding!
Once again I was working with Redcar and Cleveland registrars, they know I I work and I know how they work. It makes for much more efficient use of my time throughout the ceremony. They tend to move out to the way when they know the important parts are coming up leaving me space to capture the bits I need.
Working with them all the time, means we work so well as a team.
Gisborough Hall wedding photographer.
Some of the wedding accessories Janine has purchased did have their original date on, but to be fair I think that added to the day, a reminder of what was meant to be and what had to change due tot he pandemic
Guest shots are so easy to capture at Gisborough Hall, there is so many different locations within the grounds and Hotel itself. It really doesn’t matter if the weather is against you. The same goes for the bridal portraits, so many different mini locations, its almost difficult to choose which ones to use.
Matthew and Janine’s youngest son, decided while we where chatting about locations, just to grab some shelter under his mums dress. It was a one in a million chances he’d do it and luckily I was there ready to quickly snap. It certainly got the guys laughing. Its the small things that matter when you are capturing memories.
If you would like me to capture your Gisborough Hall wedding, them simply drop me a line or give me a call on 07739121743