George and Jacqueline | Nunthorpe Wedding

George and Jacqueline booked us to cover their wedding photography last year, and it was our first time at St Marys Church, in Nunthorpe. We where certainly impressed, the Rev'd Stuart East was fantastic he gave perfect direction and made the service something to remember. The Church itself was a grand building in which there was almost perfect light even on such a misty damp day as yesterday. This made the photography perfect. On the morning, before the wedding, I was reading an article in the latest pro magazine, which was talking about guests using their camera’s and phones throughout the service. Now I can truly say that both Kirsty and I respect the service, we always do as the reverend or registrar wishes. Even through we take images during the service we never take anything during prayer, but the guests seem to be that wrapped up in the moment they snap away throughout, even using flash sometimes. We beg to ask the questions that if we as professional cant use flash then why can the guests? Luckily at George and Jacqueline’s wedding this wasn’t an issue, all the guest behaved themselves and enjoyed the service. We can’t wait to get stuck into the editing and show them their images from the day. Wishing you both the very best from the whole team at Discovery Photography.


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