Pet Photo shoot | Portrait photography
It's a Hard life being a studio pooch - pet photography blog.
I love Pet photography and for those of you that don't know the studio, me or the business. I have a two very pampered pooches that come to the studio everyday with me. They sit in the office and occasionally get a fuss of clients.
Both Wilf, the Spring and Luie, a heinz 57, are the softest you will ever meet. Both are very susceptible to a fuss and the occasional treat. It's been a while since I had them in front of the camera, I'm usually too busy taking other pet of all sorts. When i mean allsorts i mean allsorts...........
I've had rats, quail, ferrets, rabbits and Guinea pigs to name a few.
But this morning I thought I would make time to capture some update snaps, They are both getting on in life now and ages is starting to show on them. Wilf can't seem to jump into the car like he used too.
So this mornings shoot, well Wilf is a soft and has his usual Can't be A@*sed attitude and lays there perfectly. Yet Luie is too excited hes in the studio and I think I only manged to get one image. I was constantly been licked and bombarded.