Jak and Kirsty's | Swainby Church, North Yorkshire.
Another wedding another new venue to work at. It was our first time covering wedding photography at Swainby Church followed by The Dog and Gun in Potto. We like new challenges, at regular venues you have to keep alive and on the ball to capture new and fresh angles, its so easy to slip in to the complacent, capturing the same set up poses from the previous several weddings.. making your work all the same and a risk at been boring. So a new venue allows you to freshen your work, your mind and your photography. The church was a beautiful and a good choice by the guys, as was the reception venue. The day went without an hitch if you pardon the pun. This was Ryan's second full wedding and he has come on in massive leaps and bounds to cover his sister's position as second photographer. May be we need to be thinking is Ryan snapping too close to Kirsty's heels???His images came up lovely and we can't wait to show Jak and Kirsty when we have finished the 5 lots of edits we do to every wedding we cover....